Réponses à vos questions les plus fréquemment posées. 

En réservant en ligne sur les plages horaires indiquées pour le type de Saut souhaité (Solo ou Tandem) ainsi que leur nombre.

Il est aussi possible de vous présenter spontanément sur le Pont et d'acheter votre Saut sur place (en ligne, en chèque ou en espèce). Sous réserve de disponibilité.

VC N°24 de la scierie 74210 Faverges-Seythenex

Rope jump is for the one looking for pure sensation and for the others looking at it as a therapeutic experience through the difficulty of letting it go. Earning self-confidence, self esteem, being able to take a huge breath and let it go or maybe to mark a symbolic new start by a strong act.

Rope Jumping is prohbited for pregnant woman, people above 110kg, child under 12Y/O, senior people above 70Y/O (those above 55Y/O must show medical autorisaton), people with lumbar, cervical, joints or bones fragilities, peopple with cardiac fragility, asthmatic people, and other fragilities.

Drugged and alcoholic people will be refused.

The rope jump responsible take the right to refused the access to anybody judged as a danger for itself or others.

Parental authorization is required for minors whitout their parents.

Everything is took into consideration to reduce the risk at 0.

Rope Jumping from Seythenex brige is a precise protocol, trained and approved. Material and equipment used are certified for professional utilisiation and we are checking it everyday. Moreover, all the security aspect are double and even triple for certain.

Our staff have professional rope qualification and are able to manage a security protocol in a really short time.

People subject to sevre vertigo will not be able to cross the bridge anyway. For those with emptiness apprehension it may be a way of defying it.

No, you'll not be payback but you'll be entilted to a second chance. Once equiped and ready, if after 5 minutes you have not jumped, you will pass your turn to prepare for a secod attempt.

If you stil can't jump, the service will be charged to you.

Once stabilized, you'll be lifted up by an electrical winch.

No specific outfit required, but it should not interfer with putting on and tightneing the harness. Bring closed shoes and remember to close or empty your pocket before jumping !